Friday, November 21, 2014

Growth Mindset

ACTFL Convention 2014, Friday 2014
Drawing on the research and book of the same name from Carol Dweck, the presenter applied these ideas to the Foreign Language classroom. There was some useful information here. I agree with and try to implement the 'growth mindset' in my classes.

Everyone Can Acquire a Second Language – Cultivating a Growth Mindset
                Barbara Mondloch, Franklin Pierce Schools
Embed a positive mindset…
·         No matter how much intelligence you have, you can change your learning quite a bit.
·         A growth mindset: believing your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Carol Dweck
·         Teachers should focus on improvement, effort and persistence.
·         Smart is not something you are but something you GET!.
Eduardo Briceňo – Mindset – TED Talks
·         Check out the movie ‘Searching for Bobby Fischer’.
·         A trap is thinking that you are ‘smart’ or ‘special’ because then you stop growing.
·         If we are to fulfill our potential, we must rethink how we think about ourselves.
·         We can change our own abilities.
·         Growth mindset focuses on ways to grow and improve.
·         Fixed mindset focuses on assessment.  If they don’t do well, they withdraw to protect their ego.
Neuroscience shows us that the brain is very malleable.
+ Watch a TED talk, then have an oral ‘fill in the blank’ session to ‘hear’ who was listening.
Do you choose to be a learner or a non-learner?
When we experience the judgment of others, we become self conscious.
+ Students who were praised on effort welcomed more challenging tasks.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Learners  Steven Covey
+ Students should see their brain like a muscle.
+ Share stories about heros and their challenges.
+ Choose: growth, effort, process, perseverance, resiliency – treat mistakes as opportunities to learn.
+ Use Class Dojo to give credit for volunteers.


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