Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Power of Pinterest

ACTFL Convention 2014

The Power of Pinterest
@srtanrodriguez - N Rodriguez (Pinterest Pin Name) Noemi Rodriguez or @srtanrodriguez on Twitter
Social Media is important to teachers to connect with each other and students to connect with you and the language. When you make a board, you can specify who can add to it. You can edit it anytime later.
Example- when you’re starting a unit, like health, you can create a board and allow others to pin to it.
Students can collaborate with each other and pin project ideas (think Genius Hour). It’s a more picture based Google.
You can create virtual field trip, can post photos from phone.
+Show a screencast to show students how to get started on Pinterest (especially German 1/first in my class)
You can start a secret board to plan for a unit and then make it public when you are ready. You can delete it when you’re finished.
Search ‘World Language’ or ‘German’ to find content specific boards to follow.
Add a Map – presenter not sure what this does -turn it off.
Students should create their own boards and share it with you. If you let them pin to your boards, you have to monitor it. All they need it an email address.
*Warn students to be mindful of posted content (school appropriate, etc)
+You can load a pin it button to your browser to allow you to pin whenever you are on the computer. a collaborative document
+Use pinterest to collect pictures for your stories!!!
Infographics can compare and contract cultures – they provide information and statistics for conversation.
Word Clouds – there are lots of them available, look before you create.
Comics are a great visual way to have language discussions – Think about Comic Friday J - Spice up a lesson or PP.
Think about collecting content specific for the PP to board specific for that subject.
Silent Films – chunk into screen shots, give students vocabulary, practice dialogue, show the complete video

*eduCanon        *Zaption

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